Fractal Energy Trading Resource Page

Hello and welcome to Doc’s Trading Tools! If you’ve found your way here, that means that you’ve been reading my book Fractal Energy Trading, and you’re looking for additional resources. Please take a moment to browse this page and find what you need, and if you have any questions you can always reach me at

Fractal Energy Indicator Code

Please select the tab below to view the Chop Index code for that platform. 

Here is the Tradestation Easylanguage code to create the Choppiness Index:

[LegacyColorValue = true];
{ CI: Choppiness Index }
Inputs: Len(13);    
{Plot1(100 * Log(Summation(TrueRange,14)/(Highest(C[1],14) – Lowest(C[1],14))/Log(14)), “FE”);}
Plot1(((Log(Summation(TrueRange,Len) / (Highest(iff(H >= C[1], H, C[1]),Len) –
Lowest(iff(L <= C[1] ,L ,C[1]),Len))) / log(10))/(log(Len)/log(10))) * 100, “CI3”);

Here is the thinkorswim thinkscript code for the Choppiness Index:

declare lower;

input Period = 14;

input l2 = 61.8;
input l1 = 38.2;
input l0 = 25.0;

def sumTR = Sum (TrueRange(high, close, low), Period);
def HMax = Highest (high, Period);
def LMax = Lowest (low, Period);

plot FE = 100 * Log (sumTR / (HMax – LMax)) / Log(Period);
FE.SetStyle (Curve.FIRM);

plot line0 = l0;
#line0.SetStyle (Curve.FIRM);
plot line1 = l1;
#line1.SetStyle (Curve.FIRM);
plot line2 = l2;
#line2.SetStyle (Curve.FIRM);

This is the RSI in Laguerre Time with embedded Chop Index/Fractal Energy for thinkorswim. Please note that the nFE value is set for 13 which is a compromise vs. the normal Choppiness Index period of 14. This is to help the responsiveness of the RSI line. 

# RSI in Laguerre Time Self Adjusting With Fractal Energy
# Mobius
# V03.06.15.2016
# Both Fractal Energy and RSI are plotted. RSI in cyan and FE in yellow. Look for trend exhaustion in the FE and a reversal of RSI or Price compression in FE and an RSI reversal.

declare lower;

input nFE = 13;#hint nFE: length for Fractal Energy calculation.

# Variables:
def o;
def h;
def l;
def c;
def CU1;
def CU2;
def CU;
def CD1;
def CD2;
def CD;
def L0;
def L1;
def L2;
def L3;
plot RSI;
plot OS;
plot OB;

# Calculations
o = (open + close[1]) / 2;
h = Max(high, close[1]);
l = Min(low, close[1]);
c = (o + h + l + close) / 4;
plot gamma = Log(Sum((Max(high, close[1]) – Min(low, close[1])), nFE) /
(Highest(high, nFE) – Lowest(low, nFE)))
/ Log(nFE);
L0 = (1 – gamma) * c + gamma * L0[1];
L1 = -gamma * L0 + L0[1] + gamma * L1[1];
L2 = -gamma * L1 + L1[1] + gamma * L2[1];
L3 = -gamma * L2 + L2[1] + gamma * L3[1];
if L0 >= L1
then {
CU1 = L0 – L1;
CD1 = 0;
} else {
CD1 = L1 – L0;
CU1 = 0;
if L1 >= L2
then {
CU2 = CU1 + L1 – L2;
CD2 = CD1;
} else {
CD2 = CD1 + L2 – L1;
CU2 = CU1;
if L2 >= L3
then {
CU = CU2 + L2 – L3;
CD = CD2;
} else {
CU = CU2;
CD = CD2 + L3 – L2;

RSI = if CU + CD <> 0 then CU / (CU + CD) else 0;
OS = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 0.2;
OB = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 0.8;
plot FEh = if isNaN(close) then double.nan else .618;
plot FEl = if isNaN(close) then double.nan else .382;
AddCloud(0, OS, Color.Green, Color.Green);
AddCloud(OB, 1, Color.Red, Color.Red);
Alert(RSI crosses below .9, “”, Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
Alert(RSI crosses above .1, “”, Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);

# End Code RSI_Laguerre Self Adjusting with Fractal Energy

Fractal Energy Trading Masterclasses

Please select one of the tabs below to view different Fractal Energy Masterclass selections. 

The ReadySetCrypto “Fractal Energy Trading” Masterclass:


This is Doc’s unique, proprietary charting analysis methodology that you’ve seen him use in any market. Learn how to read price charts and “look under the hood” of what is ACTUALLY happening to the price and trends, and not what some random study is saying.

This is a 15 module class, delivered online with each module having a written PDF guide, an HD video in clear 60FPS, plus an online quiz to test your knowledge at each step of the way. Each video is delivered in HD through our online portal, expandable to full screen and/or mobile-ready.

While this masterclass has been written for a cryptocurrency audience, the principles in this class can be applied to any financial market. This masterclass has a street price of $149 but can be purchased for $99 (unlimited access) by using the coupon code DOCFET

Sign up today by clicking here!



The ReadySetTrade “Fractal Energy Trading” Masterclass:

This is Doc’s unique, proprietary charting analysis methodology that you’ve seen him use in any market. Learn how to read price charts and “look under the hood” of what is ACTUALLY happening to the price and trends, and not what some random study is saying.

This is a 15 module class, delivered online with each module having a written PDF guide and an HD video in clear 60FPS. Each video is delivered in HD through our online portal, expandable to full screen and/or mobile-ready.

While this masterclass has been written for stock/options markets, the principles in this class can be applied to any financial market. This masterclass has a street price of $149 but can be purchased for $99.

Sign up today by clicking here!